Ruby On Rails Camelize
Ruby on Rails' camelize method: learn how to convert strings to camelCase with an example.
Ruby On Rails Camelize
Camelize is a method used in Ruby on Rails to convert strings into CamelCase. CamelCase is the convention of writing compound words or phrases such that each word or abbreviation in the middle of the phrase begins with a capital letter.
For example, a string like "my_new_variable" can be camelized into "MyNewVariable". This is useful when trying to convert strings into objects and class names. Rails automatically camelizes strings when needed, but it can also be done manually using the camelize method.
my_string = "my_new_variable"
my_string.camelize # => "MyNewVariable"
The camelize method can take an optional argument, which is a Boolean value. If the argument is true, then the first letter of the string will also be capitalized. For example:
my_string = "my_new_variable"
my_string.camelize(true) # => "MyNewVariable"
The camelize method can also take a symbol as an argument, which specifies the type of camelizing to be performed. Possible symbols are :lower, :upper, :upper_first, and :lower_first. For example:
my_string = "my_new_variable"
my_string.camelize(:upper_first) # => "MyNewVariable"
The camelize method can also be used to convert class names as well as strings. For example:
class MyClass
def self.my_method
# some code
MyClass.camelize # => "MyClass"
This is useful when dealing with Rails classes, as they are all camelized before being used. This allows for easier code readability and helps to avoid naming conflicts.