Ruby on Rails requests

Learn how to make Ruby on Rails requests with an example: create, update, delete & more!

Creating a New Request

Creating a new request in Ruby on Rails is a relatively simple process. To illustrate, let's take a look at an example.

First, we will define a new route in the routes.rb file. This route will point to a controller action that will respond to the request. Here is an example of a route definition:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  get 'my_route', to: 'my_controller#my_action'

This route will point to the my_action action in the my_controller controller. This controller will respond to the request. Here is an example of a controller action:

class MyController < ApplicationController
  def my_action
    # Do something

The controller action can do whatever we want it to do. For example, it can render a view, redirect to another page, or make an API call. Here is an example of a controller action that renders a view:

class MyController < ApplicationController
  def my_action
    render 'my_view'

This controller action will render the my_view view. This view can contain any HTML or other code that we want it to. Here is an example of a view:

My View

This is my view.

Now that we have a route and a controller action that renders a view, we can make a request to the route. Here is an example of a request:

GET /my_route

This request will be routed to the my_action action in the my_controller controller. The controller action will then render the my_view view, which will be returned as a response to the request.

In conclusion, creating a new request in Ruby on Rails is a relatively simple process. All that is needed is a route, a controller action, and a view. With this knowledge, we can create any type of request that we need.

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