Ruby On Rails Routing

"Learn how to use Ruby on Rails routing with an example of how to create a custom route and use it for a simple website."

Ruby On Rails Routing

Routing is an essential part of Ruby On Rails. It is a way to control the flow of the application. Rails routing allows you to map URLs to controller actions, and it also provides a way to generate paths and URLs to those controller actions. By using the routing system, you can create clean and readable URLs for your application.

Rails routing is based on the URL structure of a Rails application. The basic structure of a Rails route looks like this:


Where controller is the name of the controller, action is the name of the action, and :id is an optional parameter that can be used to specify a particular record. For example, if you wanted to access a particular user record, you could use a route like this:


This would map to the show action of the UsersController, and the :id parameter would be set to 123. Rails also allows you to create more complex routes, such as nested routes. These allow you to create routes that are nested within each other. For example, you might want to create a route for a particular user's posts:


This would map to the show action of the PostsController, and the :user_id and :id parameters would be set to the appropriate values. You can also use wildcard segments in your routes, which allow you to match any number of URL segments. For example, you might want to match any URL that starts with /admin:


This would match any URL that starts with /admin, such as /admin/users/show/123. You can also use regular expression routes, which allow you to match more complex patterns. For example, you might want to match all URLs that contain the word admin:


This would match any URL that contains the word admin, such as /admin/users/show/123. Rails also provides a number of helper methods for generating paths and URLs to controller actions. These methods make it easy to generate URLs to controller actions, without having to manually construct the URLs.

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